Comment 139476

Comment ID 139476

[Art] [Element] No Smoke, Without...
Feb 1, 2023, 3:14:55 PM UTC on [Art] [Element] No Smoke, Without...
Card-bound fire magic!! That's such a cool idea! Wonder what abilities he'll unlock with those red suits (unless... self-combustion is an ability) - ooh if he has a ten of spades... will there be ten fire missles? :o

Terrific piece, your style is so expressive ^-^


  • Feb 6, 2023, 6:10:32 PM UTC
    Thank you! I do have ideas for the red suits, albeit may take a li'l before Suave gets to them. Might have him at least work one of them out during the OCL, depending how the prompts guide him!
    And yes, the number on the card does correlate to what they do! Lower numbers for spades is less missiles but bigger with slight curvature/homing - bigger numbers meanwhile give more projectiles but are smaller, and have to be directed!

    Also thank you so so much, expressiveness is really important for me, and something I want to focus on more in future, so I'm glad you feel that way ;-;
    • Feb 7, 2023, 1:00:50 AM UTC
      Ooh I am looking forward to the development of his abilities, then! Excited to see what's in store during the OCL ^-^