Comment 141492

Comment ID 141492

[Writing] OCL ROund 2 - "My Turn"
Mar 15, 2023, 7:59:26 AM UTC on [Writing] OCL ROund 2 - "My Turn"
oh my gdsfhjsdfag GEEZ, Icarus, give the poor man a break. i love this, and Icarus is held in character beautifully. 👌 i chuckled when i realized that both Dalv and Icarus are called Vessel, what a fitting pair. 😂


  • Mar 22, 2023, 10:27:37 AM UTC
    AWESOME! Thank you so much for saying so! It was a huge relief to see that I did Icarus justice. They were so cool, and I wanted to do more, but word limits and rush got the better of me.