Comment 141642

Comment ID 141642

[Art] if you were an bug what would you...oh...
Mar 18, 2023, 3:19:50 PM UTC on [Art] if you were an bug what would you...oh...
Aha, I'd be scared too if I saw Corda's scorpion form fighting - he always strikes me as a ruthless combatant when he's protecting something! Thankfully he's a friend <3

I said it before, but I still adore this so much! Finn's terrified expression of the scorpion man in front of him is golden! I can absolutely see this happening!
Thankyou!! c:


  • Mar 20, 2023, 1:30:04 AM UTC
    hehe! Corda true battle form in his armor. Finley is such an treat, he relateable to the fact he easy to worry himself up an frenzy, and mingle to Corda deadpaness mean Finley has to think up alot of how their relationship is and often time it the scary and intimidated despite Corda not meaning to freak him out all the time Tongue