Comment 15665

Comment ID 15665

[Art] Winter - Detail
Oct 7, 2005, 2:04:31 AM UTC | Total Edits: 1 | Last edited on Oct 7, 2005 by Humority on [Art] Winter - Detail
I love how you do those details in your pics, like in this one on her dress and jewelery. She looks a bit oriental to me like this.
"No more darker than the night, no more mystery in sight. One day he was simply gone and who knows if he'll return."


  • Oct 7, 2005, 9:11:46 AM UTC
    I had a lot of fun designing her headress. I love beads in hair, and I really don't know why. This one was inspired by Turkish jewelry. I almost put a pattern on her dress, but it didn't look at all right when I tried. *sigh* Oh well, perhaps I'll be able to make one on the next dress-picture. Big Smile Thanks again, Atlantis!
    • Oct 7, 2005, 11:39:39 AM UTC
      Of course, of course maestro!Wink
      "No more darker than the night, no more mystery in sight. One day he was simply gone and who knows if he'll return."