Comment 15744

Comment ID 15744

[Art] Inuyasha: Sesshomaru
Oct 7, 2005, 7:31:06 PM UTC on [Art] Inuyasha: Sesshomaru
I really like the effects you used. A lot of times, filters can KILL a piece. You did a nice job not killing. His face looks a bit smooshy, but profiles are hard to draw--I make no claims to be able to draw them. I avoid them at all costs. Violently.


  • Oct 7, 2005, 7:32:43 PM UTC
    Thank you thank you. Big Smile
    And what do you mean by smooshy (I can correct this lickedy split)?
    • Oct 7, 2005, 7:33:44 PM UTC
      A person's chin sticks out further than their forehead; his looks like it's slightly too far back. I'd just scoot his lower jaw forward ever so slightly.
      • Oct 7, 2005, 7:37:05 PM UTC
        Yes I see! But, his head is tilted downward and his mouth slightly ajar, you think it could be the angle that's throwing you off?
        • Oct 7, 2005, 7:39:57 PM UTC
          It could be. I don't know, it still seems like his chin is a bit too far back. It looks like it's in direct line with his forehead, not a bit in front of. Then again, it could be the angle. Erg, I don't know, lol.
          • Oct 7, 2005, 7:50:24 PM UTC
            Laughing I'll give the sketch a good going over once I get back to my dorm; I'll fiddle with the chin a bit and see what I get! Thanks for the input!
            • Oct 8, 2005, 10:51:17 AM UTC
              Sure thing. And let me know if it does turn out to just be the angle or something. I'd hate to have harped over something that doesn't exist.