Comment 17788

Comment ID 17788

[Art] Gargoyle for Katie
Nov 7, 2005, 12:01:15 AM UTC on [Art] Gargoyle for Katie
Kristy, dahling, one word for you: Exquisite! And only in three hours! I remember you taking six per drawing. You see? You're advancing just like we said you would! You started out good and promising, and now your hard work is most definitely paying off. Love you SOOO much. Favorite


  • Nov 7, 2005, 10:13:33 AM UTC
    Thank you so much Robin. I am so very happy that my hard work is paying off. I have been trying to pour my heart and soul into these past few drawings because I want to prove to myself that I can do it. So, in all actuality, I think I am trying to impress myself the most. And this one, I am so very happy with. I am confronting my enemy (the dreaded background) Laughing and trying to get through them. I really appreciate your kind words. It means alot to have my art so appreciated. Especially by you. I love you so very much as well. But you should already know that. Wink All my huggles and smoochies to you my dear. Mwah!