Comment 18837

Comment ID 18837

[Art] Wolves
Nov 15, 2005, 6:27:11 PM UTC on [Art] Wolves
I love this drawing! The wolves are AWESOME. You're incredible, my dear! O.O

The only thing I might say is that the girl seems to be a little disproportionate. Her legs seem too short for her torso (or her torso is too long for her legs). The necklace and belt also seem a little... stiff? I don't really know how to say it, but they look kind of weird. I think that you should either not have the belt dangle down in the front like that, or else bring the strands closer together at the top of the loop in front, so the whole thing looks more fluid.

Ugh! I absolutely HeartLOVEHeart your wolves!!!! Wink


  • Nov 17, 2005, 12:48:50 PM UTC
    Thank you tennis Pirate. thanks for your honest critics, I agree with you about all you said, about the disproportionation of the girl, she seems to be too short, I am going to be careful about the proportions of the body now.
    Wolves are my babiesHeart