Comment 20360

Comment ID 20360

[Art] The Seamstress
Dec 7, 2005, 1:16:16 PM UTC on [Art] The Seamstress
Robin, you've always known I think that your one of my favorite artists second only to Michael Whelan. I count myself as fortunate to know you as I forsee you becoming one of the greats one day. This piece just leaves me taking a deep breath in awe.


  • Dec 7, 2005, 4:22:40 PM UTC
    O.O One of the greats? I don't know if I have the motivation. It's taking me forever to get a suitable portfolio made up... And I need to start actually making money so I can go to conventions and such just to get myself established perhaps as an illustrator. *sigh* But there's always the dream.

    You are so good to me. Reading your comments always makes me smile, my friend.
    • Dec 10, 2005, 10:47:53 AM UTC
      I'm just glad I was not forgotten and a smile from you always puts me in a good mood.