Comment 2143

Comment ID 2143

May 24, 2005, 3:08:46 PM UTC on [Art] Fall of Gabriel
Every time I see one of your pictures, I am utterly awestruck. You have such a good balance in your pictures. You should be the God of Art or something. This picture is beautiful in the way that it shows on-lookers something they normally wouldn't see. It's a treat to view your art, Dennis, and I'm glad I get to.


  • May 24, 2005, 3:14:48 PM UTC
    Thank you Kristina, for the great comment. I only seem to come up with original ideas though when it's a commision piece like this one. In actuality it's my commision that comes up with the idea.
    • May 24, 2005, 3:23:09 PM UTC
      I guess people can really get alot out of your work. For me . I look at one of your pieces and I can feel the struggle you must have went through to create it. That's what I love about looking at fanart or any other type of art. You can really tell when someone puts their heart and soul into their work. You should be very proud that your work can inspire that type of reaction from someone. I have to ask, would it be okay if I E-Mailed this picture to a friend of mine? She would fall in love with it.
      • May 24, 2005, 4:09:18 PM UTC
        I'm sure it wouldn't be a problem just as long as it's not published or reproduced for public display. The company which commisioned me to draw it are sticklers when it comes to that kind of thing.
        • May 24, 2005, 5:24:54 PM UTC
          She would never do that. She's also a stickler for that sort of thing. She loves art of all kinds as well. But, I've been putting your name out there inviting other people to visit this site to see your work. And, who knows, maybe we'll get some more members that way.
          • May 24, 2005, 7:03:44 PM UTC
            Thank you so much Katerina, I don't know what to say.
            • May 25, 2005, 7:25:33 AM UTC
              You're most welcome, sir. I have easily become one of your fans. And, you don't have to say anything... just keep creating. I look forward to your next master piece.