Comment 23115

Comment ID 23115

[Art] Darker thoughts
Jan 19, 2006, 6:18:32 PM UTC on [Art] Darker thoughts
*Shivers* I used to have this kind of mood quite often, my thing though was having Grim pointing like he was telling me I was next.

It looks cool though I like the water color over charcoal look Thumbs Up

*Big Hug* I hope that gets you in a better mood, LOVE YOU Heart


  • Jan 19, 2006, 6:22:19 PM UTC
    brrr, it sucks having moody period. I felt good all day, i went home and i my mood hit the bottom. Ah, knowing me, i should be better in a few....Thanks a lot for the review, it does help make me feel better! *HUGS* Much love!