Comment 27578

Parent Comment

Mar 19, 2006, 6:48:15 AM UTC
I really like the overall composition of this piece. There's lots of motion and expression.

The one problem I see with it is how the guy is holding the lightsabre caught in hers (and I think she's doing the same thing). The way the sabre is positioned, with the blade coming from behind his hand, doesn't make sense. No one would hold a sword or a lightsabre that way because you have no freedom of movement with it turned thus.

Otherwise, this is really nice. I love the detail in the piece. Did you do the sabres in photoshop?

Comment ID 27578

[Art] Jedi Sparring Match
Mar 20, 2006, 3:57:54 PM UTC on [Art] Jedi Sparring Match
Yes, the lightsabres were done in photoshop - well, the whole thing was colored in photoshop actually (What am I saying? heheh). Thank you for the tips in how they are holding the weapons. It shows my glaring ignorance in those areas, eh? lol I couldn't fight my way out of a paper bag apparently Wink
