Comment 29045

Comment ID 29045

[Art] R.I.P. Zak
Apr 11, 2006, 8:49:48 AM UTC on [Art] R.I.P. Zak
Aww, this picture makes me so sad! Zak looks alot like my dog, Kessi...WONDERFULLY rendered Maz, there's so much emotion in this picture, I'm so very glad you've shared it with us!


  • Apr 11, 2006, 2:00:18 PM UTC
    thankyou muchly ^^
    and aww!! I don't think I've ever seen another alsation with Zak's markings/colourings and such... And I shall hopefully be uploading another RIP pic... Zak's grandson had his throat ripped out by the other dogs, and his carcas was dragged all over... poor lil Rex =(