Comment 33608

Comment ID 33608

[Art] Broly : Ultimate SSJ4
Jun 4, 2006, 11:16:48 AM UTC | Total Edits: 1 | Last edited on Jun 11, 2006 by Greed on [Art] Broly : Ultimate SSJ4
well, I thought I was the only one that drew a ssj4 Broly. Nope. As it turns out, I found one, same pose, but much better coloring than mine, better drawing was used and on top of that, I was shocked to see colored pencils to see such a phenominal job. Excellent work, I have been impressed before, but never like this. Hats off to you.


  • Jun 4, 2006, 10:38:20 PM UTC
    hehe wow thank you very much :3 ^____^ I am glad that you like it :3 (this pose we draw so much because it's just so awesome ;3; )