Comment 34566

Comment ID 34566

[Art] Eyes of the Dead
Jun 16, 2006, 7:59:18 AM UTC on [Art] Eyes of the Dead
Im surprised you havent gotten any reviews on this. Its almost angering that work this good doesnt have atleast five or more by now. This is really great. Im mean, I stared at it for a few minutes before I was able to move. Her expression seemed odd, but it fits, oddly enough. Her pose is very lanky, which makes it kinda creepy. And the shading is fantastic. What utensils did you use for this? Well, this is an amazing peice. Very very well done ^-^


  • Jun 16, 2006, 12:20:22 PM UTC
    Wow, thank you so much! I was starting to think nobody liked my personal styled art.. I used gouache on bristol boart. Mostly just round brushes but I used the really feathery one for the floor. I'm glad you like it!
    • Jun 16, 2006, 4:06:37 PM UTC
      ^-^ No problem. Its a really good peice. Ive never heard of/seen the gouache and bristol board stuff before. It gives the picture a very cool texture and color ^-^