Comment 35402

Comment ID 35402

[Art] Hi  I'm Chucky....
Jun 26, 2006, 12:45:52 AM UTC on [Art] Hi I'm Chucky....
i dont remeber if this one was my childhood trauma but in some part of my life when i was a little 5 or 6 i saw a movie where there was this little baby or something and everyone around him died.,,maybe thats why i dont like little babies
well what can i say...creepy...ill check under my bed tonight..just in case...Smile


  • Jun 26, 2006, 7:52:37 PM UTC
    Oh you poor thing...I hate babies that kill everything around them. Sick Well I am even more freaked out by this one movie I saw when I was a wee bit. It was called Dolls. And these porcelain dolls came to life and killed everyone. >< I now will not even look at a porcelain doll. I am traumatized for life. >< Thank you for the comment luv.Hug