Comment 38920

Comment ID 38920

[Art] Perfect Pet
Jul 31, 2006, 5:50:16 PM UTC | Total Edits: 2 | Last edited on Jul 31, 2006 by Cokekitty on [Art] Perfect Pet
Give me some time and I'll figure out who that is on the filmstrip. xD I'm scary enough to ransack your gallery and compare pictures until I get it. Seriously, though. If I find out where you live, your garbage cans will never be safe! Laughing You freaking rock.

~10 minutes later~

Aaaah! @_@ I wanna say Merrick, but Animus looks likely, too. But Animus came after this picture, so that can't be it. I-ger...aaah! Is it Aya? ;-;


  • Jul 31, 2006, 8:51:24 PM UTC
    Nope. It's Dominion. I might not have a picture of ol' Dominion here at Paper Demon... hahaha but wow, you sure gave it the best shot! XD I'll give you a cookie for your efforts.


    My garbage cans?
    • Jul 31, 2006, 8:56:33 PM UTC
      Dominion...nope, I don't think you do. Or I'd know. Laughing Which isn't creepy in the least, I'm sure. Thanks for the cookie! *avoiding the garbage can comment* Ponder
      • Aug 1, 2006, 12:06:45 AM UTC
        No no no no avoiding. I am curious. Garbage cans. Why are my garbage cans in danger? XD
        • Aug 1, 2006, 5:35:16 PM UTC
          Oh...well, I'm sure it has nothing to do with me rummaging through them and finding stuff that once belonged to you. Then building a shrine in your honor while decorating it with your trash. xD That'd just be crazy.