Comment 41641

Comment ID 41641

[Art] The cookie  she noticed...
Aug 28, 2006, 10:33:55 PM UTC on [Art] The cookie she noticed...
You're in luck. I just happened to rename the gallery from "Disney's Alice in Wonderland to Alice In Wonderland"

Disney's alice in wonderland is too restricting.


  • Aug 28, 2006, 10:37:17 PM UTC
    I agree! I'm glad that you did that; it makes me feel a lot better about the placement of these two pictures.

    Thank you so much for letting me know, too! <3
    • Aug 28, 2006, 10:54:04 PM UTC
      hey no problem!
      There was another gallery that had "Disney's" in front of it, Mulan, that one has been shortened to just Mulan as well. It will be easier for people to find it also because people will be looking for "M" not "D" when adding their art to galleries.