Comment 46494

Comment ID 46494

[Art] The Bard
Nov 12, 2006, 4:38:53 PM UTC on [Art] The Bard
Wow that's really well done. It reminds me a lot of Minimaids work. You've done a nice job on the drapery and giving attention to detail.

One thing to watch for though, objects in the distance should have lower contrast than objects in the foreground. Meaning, the darkest darks should be in the foreground and not the background. This is to create a sense of atmospheric perspective. You've sort of got that going with some of the distant trees being lighter. But in the middle right hand side of the page is a dark shape (right above the horse) and it looks like that's a distant tree or bush. The darkest darks should probably be on the bard's hair and in shadows surrounding her, not in the background. See attached visual critique for a sample. I've used photoshop to manipulate some of the contrast of the piece. notice how it seems to feel like the drawing has more depth.

Hope that helps you Smile
Image attached


  • Nov 12, 2006, 5:21:20 PM UTC
    Thank you very much for that idea. Smile It works way better with the contrast like that.