Comment 49438

Comment ID 49438

[Art] Introduction-#1/100
Jan 24, 2007, 12:51:26 PM UTC on [Art] Introduction-#1/100
alright- I'll see what I can roast here.

Firsdt thing that pops to my mind- the hand. It's not how it's drwn, but the thumb should be on the other side of the stick- the thumb works best opposable, expecially on that angle.

I like the frosty glow betwe nthe mountians- that's a nice touch. You use a referance for that? What was it I read in a perspective book- atmospheric distorion or something.

I think the forground ground needs a solid texture, or something that is sharp and accurate to give it a sence of 3D

I also reckon you could use some pure white water colour, or slightly watered down stuff to accent the clouds a little Smile Nothing huge- just a bit of a highlight ^^

Hope that helps Smile


  • Jan 25, 2007, 1:42:31 AM UTC
    I need some reference of her hands-I NEVER do this right. :/ I can't draw hands to begin with. So I don't know why I bother. ><;
    No reference for the picture-I was just thinking of the backrounds DaVinci used, with his chiaroscuro technique? And I thought-"that looks like her world" and added some pointy mountains. Smile They are so pwetty.
    What do you mean by adding texture to the foreground?
    • Jan 25, 2007, 12:49:27 PM UTC
      Where she's standing is where I mean. It's as close as her, so should have the same level of detail- at minimum, it should have shadows or some thing ^^

      Hands aren't too hard if you remember that the thumb is opposable. Try the poses on your own hands first- photograph them so you cansee them if you must. Everyone hates hands. Including me. That and shoes. That's why all my shoes are masses of black unless I have to make detail ^^
      • Jan 26, 2007, 1:40:10 AM UTC
        I see what you mean, she's rather flat in comparison with the backround. I think my problem is that I included the backround on a whim, and didn't go back to place her into the whole scheme of the drawing-and the light source has changed too! >< Ah well, live and learn. Thank you for the advise. Glomp