Comment 51325

Comment ID 51325

[Art] Roth  the later years
Mar 22, 2007, 9:17:31 PM UTC on [Art] Roth the later years
Strait pimpin, yo!
This is really well done, and I especially like the way you accentuated it with small details, such as the veins in the exposed arm, cracks in the nearby shield, and the overlapping bands of the shoulder armor and boots.

Excellent work!


  • Apr 8, 2007, 1:09:11 AM UTC
    Thank you, i've tried to get in as much detail as I can when I do a pic like this (it helps hide mistakes) and i'm always happy when their noticed.
    • Apr 10, 2007, 7:29:48 AM UTC
      I understand what ya mean. I have a tendency to use shading to hide mistakes sometimes.