Comment 54553

Comment ID 54553

[Art] Deadly Trio
Aug 14, 2007, 4:59:47 PM UTC on [Art] Deadly Trio
Ooh ^~^ their dead serious alrighty. Is that a flute he's holding (the front one)?


  • Aug 14, 2007, 5:02:46 PM UTC
    Gaulzen? That's one of his two swords (scimitars to be exact) he's holding. The scanner ate away the coloring, so I imagine it's hard to tell if it's a weapon or not. I also imagine it's just the way he's holding it, so I can see how it can mistaken for a flute.

    But thank you for the comment. ^_^
    • Aug 14, 2007, 5:06:47 PM UTC
      Lol ^~^ sorry, it really does. But thank you ^~^ for clearing the messy image in my mind XD ^~^ thank you.