Comment 54658

Comment ID 54658

[Art] Don't make me...
Aug 15, 2007, 1:34:12 PM UTC on [Art] Don't make me...
O.O I would freak out with a knife that close to my eye. Even if I was the one holding it there (probably especially if I was. People don't trust me with sharp objects; I'm just a wee bit accident prone).

He has lovely eyes. I really hope he's not intending to cut one of them out because that would be a shame. Sad

Great job on the beads of sweat and the little indention the knife is making on his skin.

The knife looks pretty good. It might need some darker reflections across the surface just for impact but I think it looks good the way it is too.


  • Aug 15, 2007, 3:29:06 PM UTC
    Thanks Glomp I've been staring at it for a while and I found quite a few things I need to fix. I'll add the reflection thing to the list Yes lol yeah I'd freak too If I had a knife that close to my eye XD