Comment 55766

Comment ID 55766

[Art] A Solitary Dusk
Aug 24, 2007, 6:39:23 PM UTC on [Art] A Solitary Dusk
Gah, you know this is gorgeous, but I'm going to say it again. This is gorgeous! ^__^ The whimsical atmosphere and colors really bring out the quiet magic of the setting. I love the idea of the Forest (or perhaps Snoots) creating a flute for him. The way his cloak twists and weaves itself into the tree behind him is fascinating...I adore creative little details like that. Smile Thank you so much for sharing your vision and participating in the contest! *hugs*


  • Aug 24, 2007, 6:51:43 PM UTC
    I'm so happy you like it. ^_^ Thank you for the contest and for letting me participate. -hugs-