Comment 57017

Comment ID 57017

[Art] Ohiru Menomuchi no Kami
Sep 2, 2007, 4:39:02 PM UTC on [Art] Ohiru Menomuchi no Kami
This is a masterpiece, very nice detail in the lower sleeve of the dress, and talisman, is she part of some original manga or story?


  • Sep 2, 2007, 9:22:48 PM UTC
    Thanks! ^o^

    Hm? Strange... I thought I already wrote the description O_O' ... Anyway, nope she's not part of any manga I guess, unless it's a reference to the original. This is my version of the Sun Goddess in Japanese Shinto mythology, Amaterasu. I will add the description, so you may find more information in it like references I used, etc.

    An example of her being somewhere else is in the PS2 game Okami.