Comment 57019

Comment ID 57019

[Art] Ohiru Menomuchi no Kami
Sep 2, 2007, 5:15:48 PM UTC on [Art] Ohiru Menomuchi no Kami
This is absolutely beautiful.. I love the faint clouds in the background, against the strong, dark lines of the girl and the writing on the left. Her robe's design is just lovely, and the shading on it is very nice... not too much, but not too little, either. Also, the way the fabric is moving in a supposed wind is very nice, it has a good flow to it.
Her hair is nicely done, busy, but not overwhelming. The smaller free-floating strands are a good touch to keep it looking more realistic.
Her right arm (on the left) looks a little long... if she were to open that hand, her fingertips would nearly reach her knee, instead of mid-thigh which would be a bit more realistic, I think...
But all in all, this is just incredibly line work and shading.


  • Sep 2, 2007, 9:16:38 PM UTC
    Wow, I haven't had a great and detailed feedback like that for a while O.O Thank you so much for your time!

    Oh, I think someone mentionned about her arm in deviantART, but thanks for pointing it out ^.^ I appreciate how you give both critiques and compliments!