Comment 61360

Comment ID 61360

[Art] Torn Sleep
Nov 3, 2007, 10:28:28 PM UTC on [Art] Torn Sleep
Aw, this is sweet...
The border is really nice, I like the symmetrical quality and the little blue stars that help pull out the pajamas.
The wings are nice, and contrast against the blue of the hair and clothes very well.
I REALLY like the hair, it flows quite well and the highlights give it a silky look. The grass has a similar texture, soft, flowing, and they way they sit against each other is very eye pleasing.

Very cute!


  • Nov 4, 2007, 7:44:41 PM UTC
    Thank you very much ^_^ I need to work on the wings though. Every time I see them I tell myself they need to be toned now