Comment 62136

Comment ID 62136

[Art] Skin Deep
Nov 17, 2007, 6:56:28 PM UTC on [Art] Skin Deep
Oh, wow! This is awesome! The theme is totally unexpected, but executed well, and the penwork is outright amazing *can barely get a pen to write for her* I have a friends who does pen, so I know secondhand how difficult and time-consuming it can be, and frankly, you're a god in my eye. ^___^


  • Nov 17, 2007, 8:56:30 PM UTC
    Haha. You flatter too much. It just takes a bit of patience is all. This pic took my fourteen hours if I recall.
    • Nov 17, 2007, 10:10:40 PM UTC
      I flatter not at all! This is pure skill, patient or otherwise. ^^