Comment 62964

Comment ID 62964

[Art] The Space in Between
Nov 30, 2007, 10:05:09 PM UTC on [Art] The Space in Between
I really like the design of the girl. Even if she isn't anyone in particular, she looks quite intriguing. I like the repeatitions of color in her eyes, lips, eyebrows, and hair, that and the use of blue through the middle in the background seems to draw the eye along and reinforce the movement in the hair.

And the ethereal effect of the watercolors in the background is a lovely touch, too.

Anyway, enough of my rambling... it's a very eye-catching picture. Great job!


  • Dec 1, 2007, 11:10:30 AM UTC
    thanks so much! i'd been sketching this for a while on the backs of school sheets, and then finally decided to do a "serious version" of it. i'm glad you like it!