Comment 63360

Comment ID 63360

[Art] Kagome In The Rain
Dec 10, 2007, 1:35:34 PM UTC on [Art] Kagome In The Rain
With your new pic, be carefull about her expression- she looks scared in this one which is why you prob think it's boring. Maybe a smile or something. I like the colours though ^^


  • Dec 10, 2007, 8:32:29 PM UTC
    Thank you for the critique. Smile

    I was trying to portray some sort of sadness because it was raining and well.. something bad had happened. XD I don't know what exactly, but something bad had happened because rain always follows bad things.
    • Dec 11, 2007, 1:27:50 PM UTC
      In my story, it always rains after a battle with the Drakobitus- it's almost to wash away the death- but it's really the trapped spirit of a man crying inside the Drakobitus himself. He doesn't want to kill, but he's forced to. It's sad Sad But yeah...
      • Dec 11, 2007, 10:22:21 PM UTC
        That does sound rather sad...

        See, I was right though, rain follows the bad things. XD