Comment 67788

Comment ID 67788

[Art] Watch your back
Mar 23, 2008, 12:52:58 PM UTC on [Art] Watch your back
A very stylized piece, done in the anime/manga style. I find the nose and chin way too pointy even in the anime style, but if it pleases you then go with it. The lack of facial features and shading make him look a bit bland and I think his forward elbow could be a bit longer. I like the rough look you gave to the clothing and the way his hair is done. The lack of a background really hurts here, as it would be interesting to see the environment he is in. Thanks for sharing.


  • Mar 25, 2008, 4:41:04 PM UTC
    Thanks for the comments. I'm still working on my style, not sure how anime-ish I want to get. This was definitely just a ten-minute doodle that expressed his personality more than anything else (alert and cautious, a bit rabbitish). Going to practice backgrounds some more for sure.