Comment 68518

Parent Comment

Apr 14, 2008, 7:19:20 PM UTC
chicka, if you feel inadequate about your beautiful art, look around my gallery for awhile. lol. traditional medias are just less appreciated these days because of comp gen being easier to view online, but trad. media still rocks.

Comment ID 68518

[Art] Quest For Improvement - Shisou
Apr 14, 2008, 7:27:46 PM UTC on [Art] Quest For Improvement - Shisou
You shouldn't be so hard on yourself, really. I'm not all that much and what I've done, I've spent fucking forever at what I've done. Seriously. I draw so much, it's disgusting at times... ^^;
*sigh* I guess a lot at times, I don't think I really have, even seeing this... It's probably a lot to do with the computer against traditional. Computer...looks gorgeous in comparison to that which traditional artists put up.


  • Apr 14, 2008, 8:55:53 PM UTC
    i know, it burns me that so many trad. artists can't get recognition over the net without getting a professional to convert them. which is costly and pointless if you can only afford a free website gallery like this one. sorry bout that rant, had to get it out sometime. its been building for awhile. XD
    • Apr 14, 2008, 9:07:01 PM UTC
      Rant? Psh. I could go on for forever about it, I'm feeling it particularly keenly right now.. *sigh*
      • Apr 15, 2008, 6:08:49 AM UTC
        I knows, it maketh me very sad on a daily basis. Tongue