Comment 72653

Comment ID 72653

[Art] 'One Wish'
Sep 17, 2008, 8:27:36 PM UTC on [Art] 'One Wish'
"Roast you"? Who in the world would do such a cruel thing? Especially when you made such beautifully fluffy work like this? LOL!

Seriously though, it's VERY beautiful. The thing that got my attention was the design on Kagura's robe. I like it! I love it! I love it A LOT! If they had one my size I'd order it! HA! But I'm one for the Sesshomaru/Kagura pairing too. I mean she was SERIOUSLY crushing on him, everyone who watched the show saw that! ...To a certain extent, Sesshomaru...well I get the feeling he liked her too. Not crushing, but "liked" (giggle) They just go together I think.

Kagura was AWESOME anyway. She was the ONLY villainess that I looked FORWARD to seeing! She was a badass in her own right! Anyway, I look at the composition, the softness of the colors (in tone and in feel) and everything is JUST right for the atmosphere here. Sesshomaru and Kagura are in their OWN world and no one else is allowed in. Especially the fangirls/boys. LOL!



  • Oct 1, 2008, 9:40:11 PM UTC
    This is a favorite of mine, Fluffball. It's sooo beautiful and perfect.