Comment 77141

Comment ID 77141

[Art] Judgement
Mar 11, 2009, 11:44:57 AM UTC on [Art] Judgement
It is very possible that I am losing my mind,but doesn't the long end of the pyramid go the other way?
Oh shweet, I'm not losing my mind.
Unless my mind is seeing his body backwards O-o. S'cuse me, I've lost my mind, it has to do with writing a midterm paper Smile.


  • Mar 11, 2009, 12:14:14 PM UTC
    You're seeing his body backwards for some reason- I assure you, the long part is where his "face" would be.

    Midterm-related optical dickery? God, that brings back memories. XD
    • Mar 13, 2009, 9:41:34 AM UTC
      Ah, I see now. I am sorry, my occipital lobe was massacared by attemping to write something that made sense, as you said "Midterm-related optical dickery".