Comment 85636

Comment ID 85636

[Art] Evening Pink
Sep 29, 2011, 1:14:37 AM UTC on [Art] Evening Pink
Oh- btw, I feel your pain with vectors. I did a vector picture a while back. Looks SO awesome done, but the vectors took HOURS. I did mine in illustrator. What issues did you have with illustrator? I would've thought it'd be easier than coral


  • Sep 30, 2011, 11:27:44 AM UTC
    For some tasks, Corel Draw has more and better possibilities of adjustments than Illustrator, especially for modulating beziers. Illustrator would drive me crazy there.*lol*

    For me, it's very difficult to explain, what's missing in Illustrator, because I work with the German language version and don't know how to call all the technical words in english.
    • Oct 3, 2011, 9:21:35 PM UTC
      Ah- I suppose I understand though. IT'd be for a similar reason that I do all my scanning in Photoshop, lines in Illustrator, flattening in photoshop, screentoning in Manga studio, and text then in illustrator. The programs are just easier to use for some things Yes