Comment 87462

Comment ID 87462

Jun 25, 2012, 4:42:20 PM UTC on [Art] Need someone
Kudos on doing a full background. I can almost see this guy...that was that...that was that...that was that...

So what would be the arcana for this character in the tarot?


  • Jun 25, 2012, 5:09:41 PM UTC
    I usually work from the meaning of the card. With this picture I started from the idea of the guy surrounded by his toys. If you count them they are ten 'wands'. Now I need to think if it fits the meaning: Ten of Wands represents an oppressive burden - having too many toys?
    • Jun 25, 2012, 11:00:14 PM UTC
      Too many toys and not enough playmates?
      • Jun 26, 2012, 6:10:45 PM UTC
        Something like this: "Maybe you are working too hard and taking on too many responsibilities without rewards. This leaves you no time for managing your relationship. No matter how many toys you are able to acquire they can’t give you satisfaction. "

        It will also tie with this:
        Art thumbnail

        Incidentally, red hair is because the suit of Wands corresponds to the element of Fire.