Comment 89197

Comment ID 89197

Dec 31, 2015, 8:03:30 AM UTC on [Art] Addiction- WIP
This is SO gorgeous. As always, you do fabulous work.

And I am so squealing with glee that you used the brush. It looks so good!! You always do such amazing work, and I'm so honoured you used that brush for it! Smile


  • Dec 31, 2015, 8:43:12 AM UTC
    Thank you TuT I was super happy when you posted it. I didn't know you could make brushes in Manga Studio, or even think about making a brush out of it. I have no idea why, cause it makes sense to have one, but I never considered doing chest hair this way and it's super fast!

    And thank you TuT I miss doing erotic art. I've tamed back a lot lately. I need to chill out and do what ever comes to mind TuT
    • Dec 31, 2015, 10:30:23 AM UTC
      I'm so glad you like it. You do great work and I'm so, so delighted that you used the brush for it. You've done a gorgeous, perfect job! It makes me so happy to see the brush used skillfully and look so great!

      I'm trying to learn how to make brushes more in Manga Studio! It has such robust abilities. It's really great...I'll have to make more, and better! Smile
      • Jan 1, 2016, 2:16:20 AM UTC
        I'll be interested to see what you come up with Smile There's probably a lot of things you can make into a brush that I don't consider. And thank you TuT