Comment 89423

Comment ID 89423

[Art] Jan Theme Week - Painted Bokor
Jan 15, 2016, 3:05:46 PM UTC on [Art] Jan Theme Week - Painted Bokor
That hair, omg it must have taken for ever to draw. Her Tatts are amazing, the really give off a tribal witch doctor feel, especially coupled with the little skulls on her hair pins.
So good being able to comment on this now rather than just admiring it. XD


  • Feb 3, 2016, 5:14:21 PM UTC
    OMG Hi! ^_^
    Thank you Smile Her hair took freakin forever x__X
    I'm so glad that I managed to pull off the witch doctor feel. The woman herself probably should be a bit more ethnic - Haitian or something...but honestly? This pic started life as my "Nameless" lol...half way through I changed it because I spam her a bit much >_>