Comment 91455

Comment ID 91455

Mar 25, 2017, 9:59:58 PM UTC on Art id 36293. (Art is no longer available.)
Hi Dex.

Hahah. perv level infinite?! I can relate.

I like your special skill. You seem like a really cool person.

Also I too love Legend of Zelda! Are you playing Breath of the Wild? It's amazing!!!

I like the attention you put into the writing and type.


  • Mar 30, 2017, 8:28:43 PM UTC
    Hi, there! ^o^

    Mwahaha! Yes! my perviness knows no bounds! >w<

    Aww, thank you~! *huggles* ^__^

    I haven't played it just yet. I am unfortunately behind the times and low on funds. My newest gaming consoles are an original Wii and a PSP. ^^;

    I had to improvise with the sizes of the boxes, but thanks! X3

    I love emotive text... >.>
    • Mar 31, 2017, 2:18:47 PM UTC
      I do journaling daily and I try to experiment a bit with the letter forms. But I'm pretty terrible at it because I keep missing letters or putting them in the wrong order. Haha.