Comment 91597

Comment ID 91597

[Art] First meetings
Apr 20, 2017, 2:22:38 AM UTC on [Art] First meetings
...She's probably busy sculpting! I wouldn't want my art interrupted by some dude wanting to flirt either, Nerdanel. Wink


  • Apr 20, 2017, 3:56:20 AM UTC
    Hahaha, yes, you're probably right!
    Also, she MUST have been a tough lady! Feanor is a lot to handle, that cocky bastard
    • Apr 20, 2017, 5:16:34 AM UTC
      Oooh yeah. That and I think I remember Elves tend to be a bit more - involved that mortals with making their children, put a bit of their souls into shaping the kid's prenatal development or somesuch? And if true the fact that she made seven sons is kind of - more intimidating than it would even usually be! Part of why you don't typically get a lot of large families in Elven communities...
      • Apr 21, 2017, 4:11:28 AM UTC
        Well, I guess we can agree that in the end she fell for him and fell HARD 😆 Blimey, 7 kids... must have been madness!🤣