Comment 93138

Parent Comment

Feb 5, 2018, 8:03:43 AM UTC
Ah, makes sense, it's a nice unifying touch to their ethnicity (or would green elves be considered their own race? Biologically, it can be defined because members of different races can't make a child who can also have kids, but this is fantasy, so that could be not the case)

Oh, I didn't realize. The difference in thickness emphasizes the difference between materials, though here it does look a bit sketched still.

Comment ID 93138

[Art] The Twins, Take 2 (lineart)
Feb 6, 2018, 4:56:40 AM UTC on [Art] The Twins, Take 2 (lineart)
I thought that was the definition of a species? Whereas a race is a subset of a species? I try to use that same logic in my settings; my elves as a whole are a species, and cannot interbreed with non-elves. Avian Elves, Green Elves, Mer Elves (which I haven't mentioned yet but also exist), and etc are all different races of the same species, by my reckoning.

Yup, that's the goal actually. Wanted to make them look light and fluffy and a bit wispy.


  • Feb 8, 2018, 6:56:08 AM UTC
    That is true, I have a tendency to mix the two words up, race and species I mean. I'm not sure why that's so, maybe because of how people refer to the human race/dwarven race/etc? Speculation is all I can do there.