Comment 93822

Comment ID 93822

[Art] It's Kitty
Jun 11, 2018, 9:20:13 PM UTC on [Art] It's Kitty
The body of the cat is great - love the pose. The only thing I can think of for it, is the ears seem to be at an awkward angle for the position of the head and give it a twisted look..where the ears should be less of a half - a half circle, and more of a triangular shape. Also like the posing of the feet and the hands. It feels more expressive of the kid. The arm of the kid in position to the body, however, seems to be shaped unnaturally in proportion to where you want the body to be. I would suggest having the body back a little further, and bending the elbow, or at least making the arm bend. XD that's all i could think of..


  • Jun 13, 2018, 12:20:25 AM UTC
    Thank you for your time. Normally I erase three time more lines than the final drawing ends up with. I guess I didn't erase enough lines.