Comment 94509

Comment ID 94509

[Art] Vindicator Teaser
May 10, 2019, 4:13:54 AM UTC on [Art] Vindicator Teaser
You caught the dramatic feel great here, the focus on the eye is intense and sets up for action well. The green lighting could be incorporated better though, it feels less like lighting and more like green bits on the face. Overall, nice cover Smile


  • May 12, 2019, 1:20:45 PM UTC
    Thanks! I really did try my best to make it an epic piece.
    Yeah, I guess I did go a bit overboard with the lighting there. I could probably have toned it down a bit.
    • May 15, 2019, 5:52:05 AM UTC
      I don't think its overboard, I just think it could mesh onto the face better. The only lighting i see here is green, so that would cause a green tint on all of the other colors, like the brown and especially the white. I think a thin layer of overall green lighting would help the cohesion of the strong energy effects. Sorry if I wasn't being clear!