Comment 98442

Comment ID 98442

[Art] My doggies
Sep 15, 2020, 5:35:47 PM UTC on [Art] My doggies
Man, that couch must've taken ages!
I love it, it looks very awesome <3


  • Sep 27, 2020, 9:39:45 PM UTC
    The window was also a pain to get all those lines and squares just so. For the couch I created a pattern in Illustrator, copying 3 different lines in three different colors and off set them just right to create a sense of depth and then grabbed different sections and warped them, or set them on different directions, in Photoshop, piece by piece, until I got the desire effect of 3D-ness. Thank you, I' delighted you appreciate it ^_^
    • Sep 28, 2020, 3:58:13 PM UTC
      Ohh it's a digital drawing! I was convinced it's traditional. The hard work really paid off!