Tagging Guidelines

Art RPG Character Tagging

For more information on character tagging, please see the Character Tagging article.


Tag format

Starting with the v24.0.0 release (released on May 12, 2021), tags no longer support spaces to be more consistent with social media tagging formats.

  • For single word tags, make them all lowercase.
  • For multi-word tags, please use CamelCase by capitalizing each word in the tag.
  • Please avoid using dashes.
  • Use a space to separate each of your tags. e.g. tag1 tag2 tag3
  • For Art RPG character tags, keep it all lowercase. e.g. pd123

✅ pd123

✅ photoshop

⛔ Photoshop

✅ DragonBallZ

⛔ dragon ball z

⛔ dragon-ball-z


Back in 2021, we used to have a gallery system. This system was removed. All submissions with galleries were converted to tags.