18+ please!! i have sensitive/problematic content!

If you are struggling from drug use, please phone a hotline or theraputic programs like Best Self or any program that helps with that situation in your location. it is not pleasant being forced and monitored to go to counceling by court if you do get caught with possession. get help beforehand. I love you and you are special! 


Hi. Since your here...Were friends now. Get over here >:U

Commissions: Open

Trades: Friends only

Collaborations: Open

Requests: Open

Roleplay: Open (im a old school rper if rp is different now. ex: google plus old school LOL but please, i would love to rp again! its been so long. show me arounf :) )

Gifts for Me: Art only/art and literature okay (i am comfortable with any character recieving gift art and literature. romance and VIOLENCE is appreciated uwu. im a gore whore gore will win my heart)

Characters for Sale/Trade: Unavailable at this time.

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