Just call me Lear. I’m a budding artist, and I plan to make art my profession. I love creating characters and stories, and I like writing as well as drawing. All art on this account is going to be character based… I hardly ever do fanart, it’s a very rare occurrence if I do. 
You may not ever use my characters without permission and you cannot put them in Yiffs or lemons! 
I haven’t been uploading as much art as I used to… lately I’ve been suffering a case of a “Everyone else’s art is prettier than mine” virus that causes me to not have much motivation or interest in art. I know that doesn’t help much, but I hope I can get out of this artistic slump I’m in. I also hope that I can find myself someone to tutor me on digital art, as my digital art now is cheap looking and not very pretty. Practice makes perfect, but it helps to have a teacher. I’ve mainly reverted back to sketching and uploading those. Plus my laptop is old and dying so I’m a bit worried about using photoshop. 
I also am beginning to feel like I don’t have my own art style and have been trying to create my own style, digital, and sketch wise… 
I don’t do requests, and gifts are for friends only. 
I love RPG horror games, or just RPG games in general… I have a tendency to get crushes on a different fictional character every other day, and I like to draw my persona Lear a lot because I’m a narcissist (well that and because she’s easy to draw and whenever I try to draw my other characters they look awful) I love talking about literature and characters, and I love to draw character crossovers with my friend… I love crossovers in general! Crossovers and Collabs are the best!  

I am very good at writing drama... I need to work on my tragedy... I'm good at making it tragic in my head but then its not so tear-jerking when it comes out on paper... I am also good at romance but I think that comedy (Its hard to come up with something funny) and horror are the hardest to write. same with sci-fi... mostly because I have trouble on imagining the setting and mechanics. I am good at fantasy though... 

I am a Christian, a conservative (border libertarian) and I have a high disdain for current society and my peers.

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