I was born in Belfast Northern Ireland, moved to Detroit, then New York, now I'm settled in Baltimore (yes, I have spent my life touring the top ten most likely locations to be shot).

At the ripe old age of 50 I find myself suddenly self-employed (or unemployed, I prefer being optimistic) and I'm still trying to get the hang of it.

I only recently started writing fiction, but now that I have I'm hooked. This is probably a good thing as I have already broken most of the bones in my body at least once and the laptop is pretty safe....

I'm left-handed, white haired, speak enough Japanese to be a passable tourist although not as much as I'd like, and look pretty much like my avatar (if you add a cigarette that is).

I spend at least 3 hours a day with a blade in my hand, and I write at least 10 pages a day - every day!

My favorite saying: (actually a movie quote from Lawrence of Arabia, my all time favorite movie, don't get me started)

"The trick, Michael James Thomas is not minding that it hurts." (of course, add the droll british accent)