Please note:

I do have various accounts scattered across the web under several different names that do contain duplicates of my work.

If you find somewhere that has a copy of my art, please contact me prior to reporting it and wait for a reply. In all likeliness, you have merely found an account of mine that I have forgotten about, or haven't checked in ages, or created only as a means to redirect people and readers to my regularly updated pages and for self-promotion.

My accounts typically fall under the following user names, though I have been known on occasion (and in a fit of creativity) come up with something that may not be on this list.. I also am not the only person on the web who uses some of these names:

divby0, divbyo, divby1, butterflysigh, acedmonds, aceedmonds, ervoldt, orgbttrflyprince, aedmonds43202, c-and-s-co, candsc0, 1stofpleasures, dreamclassier, mononoaware


This is my weblog. I am currently (2013) committed to updating it weekly, every Sunday. You can learn a lot about how I see the world through this page.


This mostly serves as an RSS feed for many of my other accounts, from deviantArt and DreamClassier to YouTube.


I update this most often, check for messages multiple times a day, and semi-regularly post. Contacting me through devArt is the best way to get ahold of me.


This account has mostly died, but it still hangs out, hoping a stray, inattentive brain stops by.

Whenever I write any FanFiction, it will be mirrored here. Sometimes it takes a little while to catch up to my other accounts.


This account is less active than most of my other accounts, but more active than my LiveJournal. It mostly serves as a placeholder.


This account is moderately active, despite the fact that the lemonfingers community is mostly idle.


I have not accessed this account since 2007. However, it still contains my largest collection of pre-2007 dreams posted in one location.


If I find or am made aware of other accounts, artistic or otherwise, I will add them here.

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