
Tag type: Community tag
  • Cover for Glass shatters like stars die

    Glass shatters like stars die

    The story of Glass Shimmer.  A nervous wreck at most times, and a bit of a coward the rest.  He finds himself suddenly forced out into the great worlds beyond his own.  Unsure where they are, or how to get back home, they are pushed into new experiences.

    Generally a feel-good adventure, often filled with panic, wholesome vibes, and interesting places.  May dip into darker topics occasionally, but will tag those chapters as such then.  (also maybe fluffy romance at some point cuz I like that.) 

    Pain as well as combat will be in the story.

    Last updated Feb 28, 2024
    Total Chapters 2
  • Cover for A Rookie Mistake | Camille's First Battle

    A Rookie Mistake | Camille's First Battle

    This is a story related to Camille's first battle within the Paperverse.

    Prompt: #6
    What is an unconventional way you can draw or write your character using their element? (a fire elemental melting rock into lava to make a bridge across a chasm, a water elemental pushing the water away from their heads to make an air bubble for them to breathe underwater, ect)

    Last updated Feb 28, 2024
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for EPO: Cliffhanger - 1200 Words

    EPO: Cliffhanger - 1200 Words

    The final challenge will focus on environmental challenges during the battle. High winds roar across the crumbling stone structure that weaves back and forth across boiling hot springs and lava. Use your elemental abilities to keep yourself safe while you defeat your opponent! Avoid the elemental traps while you defeat your opponent with your elemental powers. 


    You must depict your character, your opponent, and an elemental trap of your choice (for example high winds, crumbling stone, lava, etc)

    Last updated Apr 5, 2023
    Total Chapters 1