A Song for Winter: Worst Fear

Chapter 75: Worst Fear

TW/CW: contains non permanent child death


Drakthorpe was ablaze as the final battle against the forces of The Matriarch invaded the village. William cut through the forces of his sworn enemy with his army at his back. Suddenly, Violet and Jaina called out in terror from different parts of the now war-torn village. William stops to think about who he runs to first but decides to save his daughter Jaina first. Enemies empowered by the dark power of The Matriarch tried to hinder William at every step but with a sword in one hand and axe in the other, they were no match for him. Jaina cowered as she was surrounded by Matriarch forces. William dispatched them with ease before he grabbed his daughter and rushed off to save his wife Violet. He arrived just in time to see the lioness run through by multiple spears as she tried to defend herself. William let out a yell and accidentally drops Jaina who gets killed by a shower of arrows from the dark sky. Rage, anger, and agonizing heartbreak filled William as he heard his infant son, Liam, cry out from somewhere before being violently silenced. The Matriarch approached William from the dark with a fire burning in her iron right hand and her white metal rapier in the other. William immediately launched himself at her as he attacked with all his might. No matter how William struck none of his attacks landed on his quarry. After a brief stalemate, the iron hand of The Matriarch tore through William’s chest before he was thrown to the ground.


When William hit the ground time stopped and then rewound itself till the arctic folf found himself back at the beginning of the invasion. Everything played out the same as the first time but this time William ran to Violet first. William arrived in time to save his wife from the spear-wielding soldiers. With her at his side, they rushed to save Jaina only to find her a blood stain and chunks of her fur where she was supposed to be. William cried out this time only to find Violet suddenly struck down by a volley of arrows that fell from the dark sky. Once again the infant cry from Liam cried out into the darkness only to be violently silenced. The Matriarch appeared once again as she had the first time and fought William again. This time she impaled his heart on her rapier before time rewound.


Time after time the scenario played out again and again but no matter what happened William always failed. It didn’t matter who he ran to first or how he fought the battles he always lost. Eventually, he woke up from this nightmare with a shout and a cold sweat. For now, William’s worst fear of not being able to save those he loved was only a nightmare but he always worried that someday it could come true. No matter what it cost him he was going to have to make sure it would never come to pass.


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